Tuesday, June 5, 2007

I like New York in June

Back at Ice Station Zebra (Frisco) after a 10 day visit to civilization (AKA NYC). Our springtime week in The City only served to reinforce (rub in our faces) this simple truth we figured out too late: New York is better than San Francisco. Of course this statement only holds true for people who wish to confront the world as it really exists; with art springing from filth, music mingled in noise, aroma chasing stench and weeks of beautiful weather sandwiched between the painful cold and brutal heat. Those who wish to hide in a fog bank on this windy left coast until they're shaken off the edge the continent, may go ahead and disagree.

We do owe Frisco (locals seem to think its uncool to call it that but I believe Otis Redding would disagree)for providing us with a platform of perspective....

We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.

- T.S. Eliot

We were exploring the possibility of a more comfortable life and found that the best kind of comfort comes from struggle and challenge. If I gave more credence to providence and faith I might say we ended up starting our family out here because it was meant to be. I'm more inclined to say our timing was a bit screwed up but the ease of life here has given us the slack, the breathing room, to bring Max into the world. So, as long as we return to Gotham before our son becomes a Friscian, it will all be for the best. My biggest regret, and my first mistake as a parent, is that the poor boy will not be born in NYC.

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