Friday, July 6, 2007

Fatherhood training

I'm in the process of fine tuning my fatherhood training regiment. I developed the program for myself to simulate the rigors I'll be facing when Max escapes the womb. Some push ups to build the necessary baby handling strength with running to hone my toddler chasing skills are the physical components of my program. That's the easy part.
The next step is building mental toughness. Just yesterday I practiced patience drills while driving through the city. When the stoner driving the car in front of me takes a full 35 seconds to react to the fact the light has turned green, I do not honk, I do not yell. I take otherwise aggravating situations like that as opportunities to improve my freak out threshold. The freak out (FO)threshold, otherwise known as the "going ape-shit level", is the point at which the day's accumulated aggravation causes an outburst that closely resembles a psychotic episode. In fact, it is semi-controlled pressure relief valve designed to prevent a brain hemorrhage and, more importantly, get the freaker-outer out of the aggrivating situation. Needless to say, super human strength and sub human intelligence become available during the course of the event, the latter attribute being more valuable than it sounds.
My FO threshold has been fairly high since we have move out to Frisco; nothing in this place can recreate the aggravation NYC has to offer. I was a connoisseur of aggravation when I had a one and a half hour commute to work on three subways and bus. The Bx29 full of screaming teenagers, deranged subway riders defecating next to me, and even worse.... people reading the NY Post right in front of me! These were just a few of the daily ingredients that went into an ape-shit pie. Like an unarmed Bernie Goetz I would be forced to occasionally go into vigilante mode on the train... always ugly but usually necessary.
The problem is that the easy living out here has weakened my skills. I'm starting to get bent out of shape by driving, stomping neighbors and people getting shot in the head around the corner. This will not do with a baby on the way, I must improve my FO threshold and patience drill are the only way to go.

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