In a growing number of national news stories this guy has been described as "the nation's preeminent computer scientist", "programmer responsible for the software that runs ATM's and Google Earth" and winner of the A.M. Turing Award -- the "Nobel Prize of computer science"... smart guy. Last Sunday he singlehanded his 40 C&C (nice boat) out of SF bay and about 20 miles west to the Farallon islands, where he planned to scatter the ashes of his recently deceased 97 year old mother. He has not been heard from since. Sunday was calm, beautiful day for a sail and Gray was an experienced sailor very familiar with the trip to the Faralons. The Coast Guard has had good weather for the search and they have deployed all sorts of resources... not a sign. The boat was reportedly well equipped but no EPIRB signal has been detected.
I'm glad I didn't survey this boat.
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