"Things could be worse" is what optimistic people tend to say when a situation turns bad. Assigning your own suffering a low position on a relative scale of horrors is supposed to provide comfort... you find relief looking at all the poor schmucks worse off.
Other people are concerned about how much worse things can be and are determined to take measures to avoid that fate. Fear of failure is incentive to success. This line of thinking would suggest that being worse off is somehow deserved. There must have been something the poor could have done to avoid being in a situation that is not as good as yours. Of course fault for your own suffering should be placed elsewhere.
What about crack babies, dismembered African kids, crippling diseases and other living nighmares? Such folks never had a chance so how can you feel better about your own little mess by looking at them? Its simple: Jesus loves you and not them! Since Jesus knows what he's doing you should'nt worry about it... just be happy your not living in a cave.
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